Jumat, 16 Desember 2016

Your top recommendations for things to do in your town

Hi introduce my name is vernansius irfan, I was born in the town of Sambas, on 16 April 1998, and I stayed in the village sekura I would recommend whatever is in my hometown, pontianak village I can be reached with a time of 6 hours is long journey and distance too far, so that's my village but you will not doubt for is visiting my hometown that might be a bit much and I would recommend sights, food, and whatever is in my hometown it, and first you have to use ( ferry) large vessel used to transport cars or vehicles going towards my hometown after until you will be presented a view that is quite beautiful is a view of the river is quite wide and highlands beautiful viewed from a distance there are many objects travel that you can visit in my hometown and the first is the beach, the beach is quite reached by traveling time of 1 hour from my hometown, and the beach is located in the village of black soil, the beaches are not too touched by presenting a beautiful sight, other than the beach in my hometown also has a waterfall called waterfall riamberasap sufficient water profusely spilled on the rocks indeed be beautiful this place is also hemp visited during the holiday, and now we're talking food, food that is typical of Sambas is buburpedas, this food does have a flavor that is so rich with mixed vegetables and placed it while heat will be so tasty on the tongue, this food is not foreign to the communities of Sambas, recommendation so that I can say, so and thanks

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